Now, before Ember died, she explained to her family, that after Miraj died, the house and all of her belongings would go to Autumn. One would expect Acid to object to this decision, but he never cared for responsibility, and of his three sisters he liked Autumn the most. She was an evil little thing, and he could relate.
Autumn was steadily becoming closer to Acid and less close with her sisters, so she moved into Acid's room to avoid any moral disputes that were bound to come up.
Life continued as if Ash had never been there.
Winter and Summer barely noticed his absence as they began writing trashy novels at the library.
Miraj, however, painted a portrait of Ash, although he was still more concerned about the death of his wife than his nephew moving out.
Before long, the maid became pregnant with Miraj's fifth child. If you're wondering about the vacant look on her face, I will explain. Before gifting her the Miraj, Ember brainwashed the maid. She is essentially an empty shell, obedient, emotionless and unfeeling. She can hardly be called a person, she is but a tool, a doll.
Acid joined the criminal career in his mother's footsteps, and began working out a lot.
Autumn practiced her social skills in the mirror, as she was somewhat lacking.
Miraj painted.
Then Autumn began to change. The hunger started to grow inside her, and blood packs were no longer enough.
The job of acclimating the triplets to the hunt fell to Acid, as he was the only one left. He led his sisters to the park where he went over the finer points of stalking and feeding on your chosen victims. Summer was horrified and Winter was appalled. They said they'd stick to the blood packs, and left.
Autumn, on the other hand, hung on Acid's every word, her eyes glistening with pure adoration.
Autumn watched as Acid approached a local prostitute, who is actually the younger sister of one of Ember's victims. He enticed her to follow him with the promise of a hot meal.
Acid led them to a dark alley nearby. Ember needed no demonstration. She was at the woman's throat in an instant.
Acid was thrilled to see his baby sister attack so viciously. But a passerby heard the scuffle and came to investigate.
Acid made short work of him. Poor guy.
Acid and Autumn, feeling delightfully satisfied, walked away from the two lifeless bodies, and headed home. A surprise awaited them. The maid had given birth to a baby boy, Miraj Jr. Her lack of enthusiasm is apparent.
Miraj felt a sense of accomplishment at achieving the large family he had always wanted. It was bittersweet though, as he could not share this happy moment with Ember.
Winter and Summer may not have liked the idea of feeding on strangers in the park at night, but they were Vampires, and all Vampires relish the hunt. These two, however preferred their hunts to end with a make out session rather than bloodshed. So they were constantly on the phone with boys.
While her sisters flirted and chatted endlessly, Autumn worked diligently on her homework. She took pride in her academic accomplishments.
Winter was easily the most beautiful of the three sisters...
...with Summer a close second.
Autumn was still a little awkward.
She envied her sisters, as every guy at school would kill to be with them.
Autumn wished she could melt a guy with just a look, as Winter did.
Instead she had to work very hard at it. Luckily, many months of talking to herself in the mirror had prepared her adequately. She knew exactly how to talk to a guy.
Don't get me wrong, in spite of living in her sisters' shadows, Autumn doesn't have a bad life. In fact, she's quite happy. She and Acid are always scheming and hunting.
Also, she and Belinda's little brother Ronald have become quite close.
As well as Winter and that football player, Robert.
Meanwhile, Miraj convinced Acid to paint a portait of him to hang next to Ember's.
And the maid continued to care for the new baby.
Acid grew disinterested in Belinda. He had pursued her solely to hurt Ash anyway. He instead turned his interests toward his very first meal. She reminded him of his mother and he appreciated her submissiveness.
He just couldn't help himself.
Miraj was horrified. It was not because he had any emotional attachment to the maid herself. It was because she had been a gift from his dear wife, and Acid hadn't even bothered to ask. But he did nothing.
Acid decided to turn her into a Vampire.

And dressed his doll up, just the way he liked. Still Miraj did nothing.

Until he walked into his bedroom and saw this, with Junior asleep in the same room.

That was the last straw.

Miraj, as politely as he could, ask his son to leave.
Acid obliged. He had grown tired of this place anyway. So he put his doll in the car, and left.